Blockchain Incorporation
RanchiMall as a company has been incorporated on the FLO Blockchain. The incorporation is done by writing the rules of incorporation as flodata.
Incorporation message (Flosight)
Incorporation flodata (Floscout)
Incorporation flodata (Flosight)
Blockchain Contracts
Blockchain Contracts are at the core of RanchiMall as a company. All our primary products are Blockchain Contracts.
Fixing Smart Contracts : Blockchain Contracts
Introduction to Blockchain Contracts
Guidelines for Management of Blockchain Contracts
FLO Blockchain Contract
Internship Blockchain Contract
Web & Walletless architecture
At RanchiMall we have removed the need for a blockchain wallet to be downloaded locally on a device and in turn, the need to download the whole blockchain locally. Our wallets are pure HTML5 web-based wallets.
FLO Webwallet
Blockchain based data cloud
RanchiMall has come up with a Blockchain digital signature based cloud storage.
SuperNode Storage
webApp Server
Architecture for FLO based Applications
Token Transfer System
We have created the most easy and user friendly Token system on top of the FLO Blockchain.
Natural language based Token system
FLO Data Tester
Token creation
Token transfer
Smart Contract System
An example of RanchiMall's Smart Contracts.
India Elections creation
India Elections participation
India Elections trigger
Single data Authentication
All the applications in RanchiMall take single data as user authentication.
Internship Application
Content Collaboration as a sample application
Content Collaboration app is a way for anonymous users across the Internet to collaborate and create beautiful articles. These articles are then published on RanchiMall times.
Content Collaboration
Content Collaboration Code
RanchiMall Times
Connecting with other networks like TOR and TORRENT
At RanchiMall we strongly believe in anti-censorship. Our products FLO-Twitter and FLO-Whatsapp connect to TOR network and are totally censorship resistant.
FLO Torrent
FLO WhatsApp
WhatsApp, Google and Twitter on the FLO
FLO WhatsApp
FLO Twitter
Banking and Financial Applications on FLO
FLO Bank
Distributed Exchange: An extension of Local Bitcoins
Local Bitcoins++ is a decentralized distributed version of the famous peer to peer online exchange.
Local Bitcoins ++
Local Bitcoins ++ Code
FLO LogSheet
FLO LogSheet is high quality data curated for the public.
FLO Logsheet
FLO Logsheet Code
Labor market using Blockchain
In India low income daily wage labourers are ample, but most of them don't earn enough to sustain their families because they cannot find people to work for. We, at RanchiMall, plan to connect employers and these workers through a blockchain based system.